Sunday, April 15, 2012

Frozen Burritos

Earlier this week or sometime last weekend, I can't quite recall when, I set up my Google Reader with a bunch of blogs that I follow on a regular basis. Now I don't have to click through to each person's blog, I can just read them from my Reader. I follow Lindsey over at and she posted this about eating healthy during the week. She makes beans and freezes them, prepares hard boiled eggs, slices vegetables, and makes frozen burritos.

When I read her post I made David read it as well. Then I said, "I'm making these burritos." Yesterday was busy with the March of Dimes March for Babies and then the gym and shopping, so today I took the morning to cook. I made homefries, eggs, bacon, and from scratch cheddar biscuits (yum!). Then we went outside and enjoyed our coffee. Then I decided to tackle the burritos! The dinner burrito combination, which is different than Lindsey's, is in the crock pot so those will get put together later tonight.

For the breakfast burritos I decided to use our leftover homefries, mushrooms, orange bell pepper (green gives me heart burn), and some sauteed spinach. Of course there are eggs and cheese in them, too! I scrambled up the eggs and mixed all the veggies together before I got started.

I needed to take a close up shot of the veggies because they looked so good and the picture above doesn't do them any justice! A combo of all the yummy veggies going into the burrito.

I laid the wraps out on the counter to have space to place all of my ingredients in them. See the crock pot there? It's got dinner burrito fixin's in it: a bag of frozen corn on the bottom, 4 chicken breasts, a bag of black beans, a jar of salsa mixed with taco seasoning, and a bit of water. I'll shred the chicken and then put it, some Mexican rice, and the vegetables in the dinner burritos.  

 I started with the eggs.
 A closeup! Yummy.
 Then I piled on the veggies...
 Mmmm.... veggies! And I added just a bit of shredded cheese. It's actually Fancy Mexican Cheese. I don't know what makes it fancy, but it's good!
 Then, like Lindsey, I wrapped them up individually in Saran Wrap and loaded them into a gallon ziplock freezer bag.
A closeup of the label. It says: Breakfast Burritos: Egg, potato, mushrooms, pepper, spinach. 
David wants to eat them this week. I said no. These are for mornings where we get a late start or where I don't feel like cooking. Besides, there are only 6 of them and I don't want to go through them too quickly! They didn't take too long to make so I don't imagine that it will be too difficult to make another batch some Sunday morning.

I am starting to smell the salsa in the crock pot. Our dinner tonight is going to be the mixture detailed above on top of tortilla chips. Once it cools down a bit I'll make up the burritos. I probably won't have pictures of that process. I do have to thank David for taking my photos. He did a great job. And, I didn't have to worry about getting food all over our nice camera!

BJ - Evil, Puppy Chow eating cat.
Check out Lindsey's recipe section. This is the second recipe of hers that I've fixed. The other was her Puppy Chow Almonds. Yum! These went to Easter dinner and my brother liked them so much he stole them from me. The cats also enjoyed them... BJ stole a sandwich baggy off the table and tore into it.

What's your favorite way to spend a Sunday morning when the house is clean and the laundry is done? Whatever it is, I hope you got to do it today!

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