Monday, March 12, 2012

Hotel exercises

I'm on the road for work this week which is very unusual for me. I am exhausted from staying up until 3:00 a.m. this morning reading a book so I wasn't going to workout tonight. I didn't do anything on the treadmill, but I did do a quick hotel room workout: squats, girly push-ups, crunches, scissor kicks/bicycles, and planks. I did a quick 3 sets of 15 each (more for the scissors/bikes) and I feel good. I think that I may have eaten too much, but I am happy that I did something.

I don't know how many of you remember January's #NoExcuses Burpee Challenge that Scott over at @YourInnerSkinny posed, but I tried to do that and didn't quite finish the whole thing. While I was psyching myself up to do my hotel room workout, I remember watching this Mike Rowe of Dirty Jobs fame video of him doing his burpees. While I didn't do burpees (because I didn't want to put my sports bra on), I did do something. And something is better than nothing, right? Tomorrow I hope to go down to the gym at the hotel and get on the elliptical or the bike. I hope that there are some weights so that I can work my mus-cles too!

Here's a few links to a couple other hotel room workouts: - A whole website dedicated to hotel room workouts. - Can be modified for those that can't do stacked push-ups, too.

All this is very motivational and if I don't go do the bike or elliptical tomorrow, chances are I'll do one of the above workouts. So tell me - what do you do for exercise when you are on the road for business or pleasure? Do you workout in your hotel room, or do you go down and just do cardio in the hotel gym?

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